Wednesday, July 18, 2012

HGH Producer

There are many different ways to "work out". The goals of different excersise programs can range from cardiovascular conditioning, building muscle mass, increasing strength or stress relief. While all of these types of exercise serve a purpose, they do not have the ability to boost your natural growth hormone levels, while providing cardiovascular and muscular benefits.

The purpose of the "HGH Producer" workout is to boost your natural growth hormone levels to give you the leaning, muscle building and metabolism boosting benefits of growth hormone, a powerful anti-aging hormone that keeps us young, lean and healthy. When done correctly, our "HGH Producer" workout will provide you with maximum health and esthetic benefits in the shortest amount of time spent exercising. Instead of hours upon hours of exercise, The HGH Producer can be completed in 20 minutes and it falls under the category of high intensity training or high intensity interval training.
Top benefits of the HGH Producer Workout:
1.      Burns calories for 24 hours following its completion. Not just while exercising.
2.      Builds lean body mass unlike aerobic exercise.
3.      Provides both aerobic and anaerobic conditioning.
4.      Increases metabolic rate to create a better metabolism.
5.      Provides anti aging benefits because of its ability to support healthy growth hormone levels.
Here's a bit of how the HGH Producer Workout should look...

To start the 20 minute session jog, bike, run or elliptical at a comfortable pace for 2 minutes, then start your first sprint. All sprints are 30 seconds.

1st sprint –your goal is to achieve 50% max heart rate,
2nd sprint 60% max heart rate,
3rd sprint 70% max heart rate
 4th sprint 80% max heart rate
5th sprint 90% max heart rate
6th-8th sprint 95% max heart rate

Achieve this through biking, running, jump roping, elliptical, whatever exercise you choose to do. 

After each sprint, recover by jogging or walking for 90 seconds. 

For more information on the HGH Producer contact our office! We're now scheduling clients to try out the HGH Producer Workout with us!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Have you tried Kale Chips? 

Kale seems to be everywhere these days! The popularity of kale is not without reason, it is a nutrition powerhouse. Kale is an excellent source of calcium and fiber, and provides your daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin A, K, and C in one cup.  

Snacking on Kale Chips is one of the easiet ways to bump up your consumption of greens and a really great way to try out kale!
Kale chips bowl 300x212 Its Easy Eating Green, with Kale Chips
photo from
Kale Chips

1 to 2 Bunches of Kale
Olive Oil
Spices and Sea Salt to taste

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
Remove kale from stalk leaving the leaves in large pieces
Place a little olive oil in bowl, and brush kale with oil.
Put kale on a baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes or until the edges look crispy and turn brown.  Keep an eye on it as it can burn quickly.

Tip: Try different kinds of kale or collard greens.  For added flavor, sprinkle with a little high quality sea salt or gomasio, or a spice such as curry or cumin after rubbing on olive oil.